Research Fellowships Programme at the National Library of Portugal

Targeted Fields  Portuguese and Luso-American Studies

Open To Researchers from Institutions in USA.

Citizenship No citizenship requierements

Eligibility Requirements Scholarships are addressed to researchers whether holding or not an university degree, wishing to develop their studies over the National
Library collections.

Stipend 1,400 per month, plus a travel allowance of up to 750

Deadline April 15th, 2010

Program Description This Programme aims to offer Scholars a productive stay in Portugal,
offering them the means to carry out their work (facilities at the premises and access to sources and bibliography) as well as the opportunity to meet Portuguese colleagues working in the same field.

For More Information
Campo Grande 83,
1749-081 Lisboa
Tel. +351 217 982 079
Fax. +351 217 982 142 

National Endowment for the Arts; Literature Fellowships: Creative Writing

Targeted Fields Humanities. Open to fields related to creative writing.

Open To Postdoctoral Scholars.

Citizenship Open only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Eligibility Requirements You are eligible to apply for Fiction if within the last 5 years you have published: at least 5 different works of short fiction, a volume of short fiction, or a novel or novella. You are eligible to apply in Creative Nonfiction if within the last 5 years you have published: at least five different creative essay, or a volume of creative fiction. You are eligible to apply in Poetry if within the last 5 years you have published: a volume of 48 or more pages of poetry, 20 or more different poems in five or more literary publications.

Stipend Stipends of $25,000.

Deadline 3/4/2010 - Deadline for Poetry 3/5/2009- Deadline for Fiction and Creative Nonfiction.

Program Description Several fellowships are offered to creative writers to interpret, explore, and create fiction and creative nonfiction works. Fellowships allow recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement.

For More Information
Literature Fellowships: Creative Writing
Room 722
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20506-0001

UC Berkeley, Institute of European Studies, Center for German and European Studies (CGES), Entering Graduate Student Fellowships

Targeted Fields Humanities. Social Sciences. School of Public Affairs. Fields related to modern European topics.

Open To Prospective/Current Graduate Students.

Citizenship No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements Must be a currently enrolled graduate student at a UC campus and be nominated by a sponsoring department or professional school.

Stipend Stipend of $10,000 per year, plus tuition and fees.

Deadline 3/6/2010

Program Description Fellowships for outstanding entering graduate students who demonstrate an interest in modern European studies. Award may be extended for a second year.

For More Information
John Efron, Director
Entering Graduate Fellowship Competition
Institute of European Studies
Center for German and European Studies
University of California
207 Moses Hall #2316
Berkeley, CA 94720-2316

Newberry Library, Short-Term Fellowships

Targeted Fields
Humanities. Social Sciences.

Open To
Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.

No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Doctoral candidates at the dissertation stage or postdoctoral researchers. Research should require study at the Newberry Library.

Stipend in the amount of $1,600 per month.


Program Description
Awards support dissertation or postdoctoral research at the Newberry Library for periods ranging from 1 week to up 2 months. Its general collection focuses on the humanities within Western Civilization from the late Middle Ages to the twentieth century.

For More Information
Committee on Awards

The Newberry Library

60 W. Walton Street

, IL  60610-7324

(312) 255-3666

Library Company of Philadelphia, Research Fellowships in American History & Culture

Targeted Fields
Humanities. Social Sciences. Open to fields related to American history and culture up to about 1880.

Open To
Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.

No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Project proposals should demonstrate that the Library Company has primary materials central to the research topic. Candidates are encouraged to inquire about the appropriateness of proposed research topic before applying.

Stipend of $2,000.


Program Description
Thirty short-term fellowships for dissertation or postdoctoral research related to the history of North America, principally in the 18th and 19th centuries. Awards provide support for one month of research in residence at The Library Company of Philadelphia and The Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Center City, Philadelphia.

For More Information
James Green

Library Company of Philadelphia

1314 Locust St
, PA  19107

UC Berkeley - Vienna Fund; Dissertation & Pre-Dissertation Research Grants in Austria

Targeted Fields
Humanities. Social Sciences. Fields related to modern European topics.

Open To
Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation.

No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Must be a currently enrolled graduate student at any UC campus. The center is unable to support projects that are purely literary, philosophical, or theoretical. It also cannot support projects in early modern history outside the Central European field or those that deal exclusively with Russian history.

Stipend of $5,000.


Program Description
Approximately 25 fellowships will be offered to graduate students working on modern European topics to conduct dissertation or predissertation research in Europe during the summer.

For More Information
ATTN: Berkeley-Austria Fund 
Call For Projects
Institute of European Studies
University of California 
207 Moses Hall #2316 
Berkeley, CA 94720-2316

(510) 643-5777

International Graduate Fieldwork Fellowship

Graduate Student Fieldwork Fellowship for International Studies

The UCLA International Institute announces a series of Fieldwork Fellowships open to UCLA doctoral students in good standing whose research focuses on one or more aspects of international or regional studies.

The awards are targeted for research abroad and particularly for cases where other support is not available. The fieldwork may be conducted either after the advancement to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree (i.e. long-term dissertation research), or before advancement to candidacy as a short-term pilot study. Candidates must, nonetheless, have completed all coursework for the Ph.D. degree. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply; there are no citizenship restrictions.

Long-term awards of six months to one year each (maximum award: $15,000) and short-term pilot awards of up to three months each (maximum award: $5,000) are available. Award amounts will vary, according to the project and proposed budget, with the precise award amounts to be determined by the Fellowship Selection Committee. The Institute will not provide funding for students who receive awards from other sources for the same project.

Applicants’ dissertation or pilot study topics must have theoretical or comparative significance and normally will include one or more regional foci: Africa, Latin America, the Near East, Europe and Eurasia, and Asia. Students in the social sciences, humanities, and professional schools are eligible to apply. The Fellowship Committee will give preference to contemporary, theoretical, or globalization topics consistent with the Institute’s missions.

Application Procedures 

  • Applications must be submitted online no later than March 1, 2010. 
  • Letters of recommendation must be received no later than March 15, 2010.
  • Online application form will be available on January 12, 2010.

  • Applications must include:
    • a curriculum vitae (MS Word, PDF, or text)
    • a short abstract of the dissertation (2 - 3 pages; no word count limit)
    • a specific plan for proposed field research (200 words)
    • an itemized budget and budget narrative
    • two references (who will submit online)


  • Awards will be announced by May 31, 2010.


  • Upon completion of the project, the grantee must submit report not to exceed one page by email regarding the nature and outcome of the project for use on the Institute’s website. Writing style should be geared more for general public interest. A photo of the grantee and/or an image related to the project may also be requested.
UCLA International Institute

Cuban Heritage Collection Fellowships by The Goizueta Foundation

The Cuban Heritage Collection is proud to announce the launch of the new CHC Fellowships program funded by The Goizueta Foundation, available to graduate students. Both exploratory pre-prospectus and dissertation research fellowships are available. The deadline for sending in application materials is on February 19, 2010.

For more information, please visit

Cuban Heritage Collection Fellowships

The Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) Fellowships provide assistance to graduate students who wish to use the research resources available at the CubanHeritage Collection at the University of Miami. Fellowships are available to graduate students from the United States and abroad. The goal of the CHC Fellowships is to engage emerging scholars with the materials available in the Cuban Heritage Collection and thus contribute to the larger body of scholarship in Cuban,hemispheric, and international studies.

Approximately 12 fellowships will be awarded annually in two categories:

Research Fellowships

Research Fellowships will support graduate students who wish to use the Cuban Heritage Collection as a primary resource for a dissertation. Graduate students applying for these fellowships will have completed their course work and passed their qualifying examinations. They will be prepared to pursue research based on an approved prospectus. Professional school students seeking these fellowships must be engaged in research for an approved culminating project required for their degree.

Recipients must be in residence during the course of their fellowship and may not hold concurrent teaching positions. Fellowships of $3,000 a month will be granted for periods of one to three months.

Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships

Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships will allow doctoral students to determine how the
Cuban Heritage Collection may serve their research needs as they prepare the dissertation prospectus. Fellowships of $1,500 will be granted for one month between June 1 and August 31 of the calendar year. These are exploratory fellowships to determine if the Collection will support a dissertation.


Applications will be evaluated by independent reviewers based on 

1) the merit of the proposal; 
2) the applicant's qualifications; and
3) the suitability of the project for the particular holdings of the Cuban Heritage Collection.

Application Guidelines

All application materials must be received by February 19, 2010 and submitted electronically to Fellowship applicants must submit the following:

 *   Application Form (click here to download )

 *   Project Abstract (of no more than 300 words)
 *   Project Description (of no more than 1,500 words)
 *   Curriculum Vitae
 *   Three Letters of Reference (from scholars familiar with the applicant and his/her research)


All Fellows will be expected to write a brief research report on their work at the Cuban Heritage Collection. Fellows may have the opportunity to participate in a Research Colloquium. Dissertations or any publications resulting from a fellowship award should include an acknowledgment of the CHC Fellowships support, and one copy should be deposited with the Cuban Heritage Collection.

For more information, write to

The CHC Fellowships Program is generously funded by The Goizueta Foundation

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Brazilian or Mexican Studies

Northwestern University seeks applicants for a two-year Mellon
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Brazilian or Mexican Studies, beginning September 1, 2010.
Recent Ph.D.s (2007 or later) with strong research and teaching experience in Mexican and/or Brazilian studies are encouraged to apply; all requirements for the Ph.D. must be
completed before the start date. 
The successful candidate will be hosted in the department
of religion, history, art history, anthropology, or Spanish and Portuguese and will be
affiliated with Northwestern's Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program.  S/he will teach two courses yearly, and will also present annually at NU's LACS colloquium.
An electronic letter of application, cv, short writing sample,
1-2 page research proposal, and teaching dossier should be sent to Bianca Ramirez
(  ). 
Hard copies of these materials, and 3 letters of recommendation,
should be submitted to: 
Mellon Search Committee, LACS Program 
2010 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL, 60201 
Review of applications will begin January 25, 2010. Please
address questions to Brodwyn Fischer (
AA/EOE.  Applications from women, minority, and international
scholars are especially welcome.

FLAS Fellowship Opportunities for UCLA Undergrad and Grad Students

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

Academic Year and Summer fellowships for Quechua, Portuguese, and Advanced Spanish combined with area studies.
The Latin American Institute administers the federally-funded Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program for Latin America at UCLA, supporting graduate training in Quechua, Portuguese, and Advanced Spanish combined with area studies. New and continuing UCLA graduate students in all disciplines may apply for the Academic Year and/or the Summer FLAS awards. Students interested in both FLAS fellowships must submit an application for each corresponding fellowship.

NOTE: As of 2010, undergraduate students studying target languages at the advanced level (third year or above) are eligible for FLAS awards. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. 
FLAS fellowships are provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI program. The purpose of the program is to enrich the nation’s pool of area and international specialists. Applicants must be planning to use their training to teach, serve in government or international agencies, or engage in other work that advances American understanding of other countries.  
 All FLAS awards are contingent upon renewal of the Title VI grant for 2010-14 from the U.S. Department of Education. Notification of renewal may not be forthcoming until July 2010.  
Estimated Award Amounts 
  • Academic-year awards provide a $15,000 stipend stipend for graduate students and $10,000 for undergraduate students. The Latin American Institute requires that a student’s home department cover registration fees.
  • Summer FLAS fellowships support intensive language study in approved programs in the U.S. and abroad. The awards provide up to $4,000 towards tuition and fees as well as a stipend of $2,500 for living expenses. 
AY FLAS Fellowship Requirements 
  • The AY FLAS fellowship requires recipients to be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 12 units) each quarter and to be registered each quarter in both a Latin America area studies course and a language course, each of which must be taken for a letter grade. Independent Study courses are not accepted.
  • Awards may be used for dissertation research if approved in advance and applicant is at the advanced level of language proficiency.
  • Recipients are required to complete a pre-award self-evaluation at the beginning of the academic year and a performance report at the end of the award period. 

Summer FLAS Requirements 
  • Summer FLAS fellowships can only be used for approved intensive language study programs in the U.S. or abroad. Such programs must be a minimum of six weeks long and offer a minimum of 140 contact hours for beginning and intermediate level students, or 120 contact hours for advanced level students.
  • Summer FLAS fellowships may not be used for a beginning level language program abroad unless there is no equivalent program available in the United States. 
Application Procedures
All FLAS applications must be submitted online. Required information includes: 
  • a one to two page statement of purpose outlining proposed research and language study plans and explaining how language study will enhance the project
  • two letters of recommendation
  • a language evaluation or proficiency certification
  • endorsement from one’s home department (AY FLAS Applicants Only)
  • unofficial university transcripts including most recent coursework (not URSA)
  • applicant’s resume or CV
  • Summer FLAS applicants need to submit a detailed budget

 Application Deadline:
Applications should be submitted in time to meet departmental fellowship application deadlines since part of the application process requires departmental endorsement. The final deadline for departments to endorse candidates is February 17. Consult the Student Affairs Officer in your department regarding the departmental deadline. 

For more info please contact:
David Arriaza
(310) 206-6572

Lenart Graduate Travel Fellowships - Call for Nominations

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to announce the twentieth year of the Harry and Yvonne
Lenart Graduate Travel Fellowships. These fellowships provide funds for
travel and living expenses for UCLA graduate students in the Humanities
to conduct research in foreign countries. Generally, four to five awards
are given out each year. Awards typically range from $2,000 to $8,000
each, depending on the extent of the research proposed. Awards can cover
a period ranging from about three months to one year. These fellowships
are meant for research only and are not to be used for activities such
as enrolling in foreign institutions or working with foreign scholars.
It is also mandatory that fellowship recipients return to UCLA for a
minimum of one year upon the expiration of the fellowship period. Awards
must be used by the end of the 2010-11 academic year and may be
supplemented by appropriate departmental funds.

Each department may nominate one student. Applications should include:

1. A Curriculum Vitae

2. A two-page (maximum) description of the student's proposed project
including the following details:

            * Explanation of the need to travel abroad

            * Information about the archival holdings and locations the
student needs to visit

            * Evidence substantiating that the project can be carried
out, such as supporting letters from archives abroad  

3. A budget breakdown that also specifies length of time to be spent

4. A letter of recommendation from the student's dissertation director
or other suitable faculty member.

The deadline for submission of nominations is March 12, 2010. Please
submit your nomination to the attention of James Stinebaugh in my office
(2300 Murphy Hall, Campus Mail Code 143801).

Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee and I will make
selections accordingly. Award notifications will be sent to departments
and candidates by April 1, 2010.



Tim Stowell

Dean of Humanities

Call for Nominations: Pre-Dissertation fellowships (Mellon Foundation)

Applications must be submitted to Hilda Peinado by February 19th, 2010.
Dear Colleagues:

A portion of our Mellon Foundation fellowship endowment is available
this year for  pre-dissertation research fellowships.  These fellowships
are intended to support select UCLA graduate students from across the
humanities to advance their pre-dissertation research during one quarter
of their pre-dissertation year. These funds may be used for stipend
support for one academic quarter, and in addition may provide support
for legitimate research expenses. The student need not be in residence
during the quarter in question since the student may need to conduct
archival research abrad and/or field work, as applicable. Fellowships
will be for up to $8,000.

It is anticipated that, in normal circumstances, the quarter in question
will fall during the regular academic year, since the intent of this
program is to free students from the demands of working as a TA during a
portion of the academic year preceding their dissertation year.
Nevertheless, applications for summer support will be considered, though
such applications should also include a note from the student's advisor
or department chair, explaining (a) why support for a summer fellowship
is preferable, and (b) what the student's support package will involve
(TA-ship, RA-ship, fellowship, etc.) during 2010-11.

Each department may nominate one student for consideration. Please note
that we a nomination does not readily guarantee an award and only very
compelling cases should be put forward.

Applications should include:

1. A CV
2. A two-page (maximum) description of the student's proposed use of the
funding, to include a budget . Budget items may include any legitimate
research expense, including  (but not limited to) travel. Stipend
support for up to one academic quarter is also allowable.
3. A letter of recommendation from the student's dissertation director.

The deadline for submittal of these nominations is March 12, 2010.
Please submit your nomination to the attention of James Stinebaugh in my
office (2300 Murphy Hall, Campus Mail Code 143801). 

Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee, with the final
decisions being made by me.  We anticipate being able to notify
departments and candidates of  awards  by April 1, 2010.


Tim Stowell
Dean of Humanities