UC Berkeley - Vienna Fund; Dissertation & Pre-Dissertation Research Grants in Austria

Targeted Fields
Humanities. Social Sciences. Fields related to modern European topics.

Open To
Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation.

No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Must be a currently enrolled graduate student at any UC campus. The center is unable to support projects that are purely literary, philosophical, or theoretical. It also cannot support projects in early modern history outside the Central European field or those that deal exclusively with Russian history.

Stipend of $5,000.


Program Description
Approximately 25 fellowships will be offered to graduate students working on modern European topics to conduct dissertation or predissertation research in Europe during the summer.

For More Information
ATTN: Berkeley-Austria Fund 
Call For Projects
Institute of European Studies
University of California 
207 Moses Hall #2316 
Berkeley, CA 94720-2316

(510) 643-5777