Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Brazilian or Mexican Studies

Northwestern University seeks applicants for a two-year Mellon
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Brazilian or Mexican Studies, beginning September 1, 2010.
Recent Ph.D.s (2007 or later) with strong research and teaching experience in Mexican and/or Brazilian studies are encouraged to apply; all requirements for the Ph.D. must be
completed before the start date. 
The successful candidate will be hosted in the department
of religion, history, art history, anthropology, or Spanish and Portuguese and will be
affiliated with Northwestern's Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program.  S/he will teach two courses yearly, and will also present annually at NU's LACS colloquium.
An electronic letter of application, cv, short writing sample,
1-2 page research proposal, and teaching dossier should be sent to Bianca Ramirez
(  ). 
Hard copies of these materials, and 3 letters of recommendation,
should be submitted to: 
Mellon Search Committee, LACS Program 
2010 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL, 60201 
Review of applications will begin January 25, 2010. Please
address questions to Brodwyn Fischer (
AA/EOE.  Applications from women, minority, and international
scholars are especially welcome.