UC Berkeley, Institute of European Studies, Center for German and European Studies (CGES), Entering Graduate Student Fellowships

Targeted Fields Humanities. Social Sciences. School of Public Affairs. Fields related to modern European topics.

Open To Prospective/Current Graduate Students.

Citizenship No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements Must be a currently enrolled graduate student at a UC campus and be nominated by a sponsoring department or professional school.

Stipend Stipend of $10,000 per year, plus tuition and fees.

Deadline 3/6/2010

Program Description Fellowships for outstanding entering graduate students who demonstrate an interest in modern European studies. Award may be extended for a second year.

For More Information
John Efron, Director
Entering Graduate Fellowship Competition
Institute of European Studies
Center for German and European Studies
University of California
207 Moses Hall #2316
Berkeley, CA 94720-2316