Call for Nominations: Pre-Dissertation fellowships (Mellon Foundation)

Applications must be submitted to Hilda Peinado by February 19th, 2010.
Dear Colleagues:

A portion of our Mellon Foundation fellowship endowment is available
this year for  pre-dissertation research fellowships.  These fellowships
are intended to support select UCLA graduate students from across the
humanities to advance their pre-dissertation research during one quarter
of their pre-dissertation year. These funds may be used for stipend
support for one academic quarter, and in addition may provide support
for legitimate research expenses. The student need not be in residence
during the quarter in question since the student may need to conduct
archival research abrad and/or field work, as applicable. Fellowships
will be for up to $8,000.

It is anticipated that, in normal circumstances, the quarter in question
will fall during the regular academic year, since the intent of this
program is to free students from the demands of working as a TA during a
portion of the academic year preceding their dissertation year.
Nevertheless, applications for summer support will be considered, though
such applications should also include a note from the student's advisor
or department chair, explaining (a) why support for a summer fellowship
is preferable, and (b) what the student's support package will involve
(TA-ship, RA-ship, fellowship, etc.) during 2010-11.

Each department may nominate one student for consideration. Please note
that we a nomination does not readily guarantee an award and only very
compelling cases should be put forward.

Applications should include:

1. A CV
2. A two-page (maximum) description of the student's proposed use of the
funding, to include a budget . Budget items may include any legitimate
research expense, including  (but not limited to) travel. Stipend
support for up to one academic quarter is also allowable.
3. A letter of recommendation from the student's dissertation director.

The deadline for submittal of these nominations is March 12, 2010.
Please submit your nomination to the attention of James Stinebaugh in my
office (2300 Murphy Hall, Campus Mail Code 143801). 

Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee, with the final
decisions being made by me.  We anticipate being able to notify
departments and candidates of  awards  by April 1, 2010.


Tim Stowell
Dean of Humanities